Saeid Mohadjer

Fullstack Developer

Design and Development of Web and Native Apps, Responsive Websites and RESTful APIs

Tournament Organizer

Tournament Organizer Tournament Organizer Tournament Organizer

I created this SPA so that my friends and I could keep track of our poker tournaments and also as an exercise in building a full-stack app without using any js/css frameworks. The app is written in TypeScript and features everything that modern web apps do such as routing, state management, and ability to bookmark views or travel in browser's history. Players can see results of each game, rankings for current and past seasons, profiles of players and so on. Open-source libraries used are chart.js for displaying player's performance, handlebars.js as template engine, and jose for signing and verifying jwt tokens. For backend I use MongoDB and Node.js. Communication between server and client is done via serverless functions hosted on Vercel. API authorization for post requests is implemented via jwt tokens inside a middleware.

GitHub | Demo

Slaven Gluščević

Designed and developed a responsive Website with protected admin area for tennis trainer Slaven Gluscevic. Users can register for training courses and tennis camps while admin can view and edit registration data, update his availability schedule (which is visible to users in registration pages), and so on. Content is updated on GitHub and changes in code or content trigger a deployment on Vercel which runs a build process I wrote from scratch using Node.js and NPM scripts. Backend consists exclusively of api endpoints which are serverless functions written in TypeScript that read and write to a MongoDB instance on the cloud. The full stack runs free of any costs on the cloud using free services from GitHub, Vercel, and MongoDB.